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Showing records 211 through 240.

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"Why Homosexuality Is Sinful: It Presents a Damning Gospel"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Galatians 1 & Ephesians 5 

"Why Homosexuality Is Sinful: It Ignores the Coming Wrath of God!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
1 Corinthians 6, Galatians 5, Ephesians 5 

"Why Homosexuality Is Sinful: It Destroys a People & Sends Them to Hell"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Romans 1 & Jude 

"Why Homosexuality Is Sinful: It Defies God's Created Design"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Genesis 2; Matthew 19; Ephesians 5 

"Why Homosexuality Is Sinful: It Attempts, Pridefully, to 'Play God'"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Ephesians 5 & 1 John 5 

"Why Has God Saved You & Left You Here? - Evangelism!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Mark 5:1-20; 1 Peter 2:9-10 

"Why Godly Elders Must Protect From False Teachers, Part 2"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Titus 1:14-16 

"Why God Often Uses Young People in Revival!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
2 Kings 22-23 

"Why Don't Sinners Believe the Gospel?"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
2 Corinthians 4:4-6 

"Why Do So Many Promote LGBT/Pride? How Must We Respond?"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
1 Timothy 1:14 

"Why Do Many Not Preach Expositional Sermons?"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Selected Scriptures 

"Why Did Jesus Have to Die?"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
John 19:30 

"Why Did God Elect You?"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
1 Corinthians 1:18-31 

"Why Church Membership Is So Important"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
1 Corinthians 12:27 

"Why Christ Is Sovereign and What You Must Do About It!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Ephesians 1:20-23 

"Why CFBC Puts a High Emphasis on the Ordinances: Baptism & Lord's Supper"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Selected Scriptures 

"Why Are We So Committed to Biblical Preaching?"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Titus 2:1 

"Why Are We So Committed to Biblical Preaching?"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Titus 2:1 

"Why a Pre-Tribulation Rapture?"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Revelation 3:10 

"Why A Husband Matters"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Ephesians 5:25-32 

"Why 1,000 Years Must Refer to a Literal 1,000 Year Kingdom on Earth"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Revelation 20 & Zechariah 14 

"Wholly Desirable Jesus"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Song of Solomon 5:16 

"Whoever Believes Has Life!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
John 3:9-15 

"Who Will Intercede For You?"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
1 Samuel 2:25 

"Who We Are & What We're Committed to as a Local Church"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 

"Who Should Preach?"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
2 Timothy 4:1-5 

"Who Should Appoint Elders?"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Selected Scriptures 

"Who or What Is the Rock of Protection in Your Life?"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Psalm 61 

"Who Is This Jesus? Son of David & Lord Over All!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Luke 20:41-44 

"Who Is the Biblical Jesus Who Can Save?"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Philippians 2:6-11 

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Showing records 211 through 240.