sermons & podcasts
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Showing records 3331 through 3360.
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Showing records 3331 through 3360.
Click on one of the following files to view the available options:
"Wisdom Shouts To You: 'Repent Or You'll Be Violently Destroyed'!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Proverbs 1:20-33

"With Great Privilege Comes Great Responsibility! Do You Honor God?"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Amos 3

"Without God, It's All Vanity!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Ecclesiastes 1

"Woe to the Drunk, Proud Leaders! God's Storm of Judgment Is Coming!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Isaiah 28

"Woe to the Religious Hypocrites!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Isaiah 29

"Woe to Those Who Refuse to Seek the Lord!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Isaiah 31

"Word of Encouragement: Behold Christ!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
2 Timothy 2:8

"Word of Encouragement: Trust in Scripture!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Psalm 119:42

"Words of Counsel to Those Battling With Pornography"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Proverbs 5

"Words of Wisdom & Warning to Youth!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Ecclesiastes 12:1

"Work Hard, with Joy in God, as Under the Eye of God!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland

"World Missions Intro, Part 1"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland

"Worship & Evangelism — The Power of the Gospel to Change a Life!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Luke 10

"Worship & Praise Our Good God!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Psalm 33

"Worship As an Opportunity to Give!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Psalm 29:1

"Worship Christ the King!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Matthew 2:7-12

"Worship Christ the Newborn King!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Matthew 1:21

"Worship Christ, the Newborn King!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Matthew 2:1-12

"Worship God for Who He Is & What He's Done!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Psalm 105

"Worship the Praiseworthy God!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Psalm 48

"Worship the Sovereign King!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Psalm 29

"Worship the Sovereign King!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Psalm 29

"Worship: Are You Going Through the Motions?"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Psalm 50

"Worthy Is The Lamb! Beholding the Almighty, Glorious King"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Revelation 5:9-10

"Worthy Is the Lamb! The Theme of Heaven & of The Christian's Life!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Revelation 5:12

"Worthy Is the Lamb!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Revelation 5:12

"Yahweh The Warrior Is The Victor!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Psalm 76

"You Are Called to Do Great Things for God!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Acts 8:1-25

"You Are God's Search and Rescue Team for One Another!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
James 5:19-20

"You Are Here to Proclaim Christ's Excellencies"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Mark 5:18-20; 1 Pet 2.9

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Showing records 3331 through 3360.
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Showing records 3331 through 3360.