sermons & podcasts
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Showing records 1651 through 1680.
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Showing records 1651 through 1680.
Click on one of the following files to view the available options:
"Moab's Ruin: When Everything You Trust in Fails You"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Isaiah 15

"More Help for the Depressed ... Again"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Psalm 43

"More Reasons Why Jesus Is Greater Than the Angels!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Hebrews 1:8-14

"Morning Communion with God in Very Ungodly Times"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Psalm 5

"Moses: Power of Faith in 4 Life-Guiding Marks"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Hebrews 11.23-29

"Most Distinguishing Feature of Christianity: Faith Alone!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
1 John 5:1-5

"Motivations for Prayer from the Doctrine of Adoption"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Matthew 6:9-13

"Muse on God's Glory and Beauty Revealed in Zion!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Psalm 48

"Music and Singing in the Church"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
1 Corinthians 14:15

"Mutual Praise & Affirmation Between Two Lovers!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Song of Solomon 1

"My Commitment to Expository Preaching"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
1 Peter 2:25

"My Commitments as a Pastor!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Selected Scriptures

"My Convictions as a Minister of the Gospel"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland

"My Daily Routine of Sermon Preparation!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Selected Scriptures

"My Eyes Have Seen Your Salvation! Beholding the Face of the God-Man!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Luke 2:25-35

"My Focus to Obey God & Lead the Church Biblically"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland

"My Goal As a Pastor!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
1 Corinthians 4:2

"My Goals as a Preacher"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
1 Corinthians 9:16

"My Obligation to Preach the Word"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
2 Timothy 4:2

"My Passion For Your Preparation"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Exodus 19:11

"My Pastoral Mantra"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland

"My Pastoral Perspective & Priorities"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
1 Corinthians 4:1

"My Pastoral Week: The Schedule"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland

"My Personal Goals As a Pastor This Year"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland

"My Priorities as a Pastor"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
1 Timothy 4:16

"My Priority to Pray to God & Study the Word!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Acts 6:4

"My Zeal to Evangelize as a Pastor"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Isaiah 58:1

"Naked You Entered. Naked You'll Die"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Ecclesiastes 5

"Necessary Components of Exemplary Faith!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Luke 7:1-10

"Need a Guide in Understanding Scripture"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Acts 8:31

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Showing records 1651 through 1680.
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Showing records 1651 through 1680.