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Showing records 661 through 690.

Click on one of the following files to view the available options:

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"The Most Terrifying Day in the History of the World!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Revelation 20:11-15 

"Jesus Teaches and Is From God: The Real Jesus!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
John 7:14-31 

"Jesus In Public: A Bold & Hard Teaching!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
John 7:1-13 

"Three Powerful Reasons for You to Worship God!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Psalm 65 

"The Sovereignty of God in Salvation, Part 3: Calling"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Romans 8:30 

"Hermeneutics: Step #1, Observing the Text"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Selected Scriptures 

"Four Components to This Call to Worship!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Psalm 66 

"The Sovereignty of God in Salvation, Part 4: Justification"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Romans 8:30 

"A Call to All: Let the Nations Come & Worship! A Missions Psalm"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Psalm 67 

"Missions: The Glory of God & the Exaltation of Christ Among the Nations!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Psalm 67 

"Have You Come to Jesus Christ for Salvation?"
Tom Rayborn 
Selected Scriptures 

"What Will It Profit You to Gain the Whole World?"
Tom Rayborn 
Matthew 16:26 

"Come and Drink Freely and Savingly in Christ!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
John 7:32-39 

"The Ultimate Question: Who Is This Jesus?"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
John 7:40-52 

"The Sovereignty of God in Salvation, Part 5: Glorification"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Romans 8:30 

"One Mediator Between You and God!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
1 Timothy 2:5 

"Jesus Came to Seek and Save the Lost!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Luke 19:1-10 

"The Greatest Love is a Dying Love!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
John 15:13 

"Understand Adoption: God Takes Enemies & Makes Them Sons"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Romans 8:15 

"Who Is the Biblical Jesus Who Can Save?"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Philippians 2:6-11 

"The Song of Eternal Security! The Love of God & Christ's Work Guarantee You!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Romans 8:31-34 

"Paul's Use of Psalm 68 in Ephesians 4 — An Exegetical Study"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Ephesians 4:8 & Psalm 68:18 

"Marvel at the Mighty Majesty of God!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Psalm 68 

"The Coming Judgment for All Nonbelievers"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Revelation 20:11-15 

URGENT! Men of God, Rise Up!
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
John 1:14 

"A Controlling Love!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
2 Cor 5:14-15 

"Behold the Glory of Christ!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
1 Cor 1:1-17 

"The Redeemed: People Zealous for Good Works"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Titus 2:11-14 

"True Salvation — Get It Right!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Romans 4:5 

"The Song of Eternal Security: The Love of God & Love of Christ!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Romans 8:35-39 

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Showing records 661 through 690.