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Showing records 631 through 660.
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Showing records 631 through 660.
Click on one of the following files to view the available options:
"Corrupt Officials & Leaders Will Receive God's Judgment"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Psalm 58
"Put Your Suffering in Perspective! Persevere and Hope!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Romans 8:18-25
"The Pillars of CFBC to Support the Truth of the Word"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Romans 15:14-29
"The Biblical Gospel"
Tom Rayborn
Romans 3
"Jesus -- The Soon Coming & Conquering King!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Revelation 19:11-21
"Come to Christ, Believe, & Have Life!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
John 6:41-51
"Where Do You Stand With God?"
Tom Rayborn
John 16
"Elder Leadership at CFBC"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
1 Timothy 3:1-7
"Put Your Suffering in Perspective!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Romans 8:26-27
"God Works All Things for Good! 5 Unshakeable Convictions!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Romans 8:28
"Build Up One Another: Our Duties One to Another"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
1 Thessalonians 5:11
"Worship Christ the Newborn King!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Matthew 1:21
"The Goal of Your Christian Life—Conformity to Jesus Christ!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Romans 8:28-29
"Creating & Cultivating a Church of Love — Hospitality"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
1 Peter 4:9
"God -- You Are My Refuge!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Psalm 61
"How You Can Take Refuge in God Daily!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Psalm 62
"Hard Words for Eternal Life!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
John 6:59-65
"Come to Christ, Believe, Have Life!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
John 6:41-51
"Jesus Sent from God Is God's Salvation!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
John 6:52-58
"Salvation is a Triune Act of God!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Ephesians 2:18
"What Is a True Christian?"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
John 6:66-71
"The Future Kingdom of Peace!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Revelation 20:1-10
"What Will a Man Give in Exchange for His Own Soul?"
Tom Rayborn
Matthew 16:26
"What Is a Soul that Thirsts After God Like?"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Psalm 63
"The Sovereignty of God in Salvation, Part 1: Foreknowledge"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Romans 8:29
"Hermeneutics: The Power & Purpose of God's Word"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Selected Scriptures
"BRIEFING: Babies Are Murdered Here! A Call to Pray and Proclaim the Gospel!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Jeremiah 32:35
"Take Care How You Listen to & Apply Sermons!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
James 1:19-25
"Go from Fear to Faith & from Complaining to Exulting!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Psalm 64
"The Sovereignty of God in Salvation, Part 2: Predestination"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Romans 8:29-30
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Showing records 631 through 660.
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Showing records 631 through 660.