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Showing records 391 through 420.

Click on one of the following files to view the available options:

Sort by: Date  Title
"The Glory of the Gospel & the Baptism of Saved Sinners"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Colossians 2:11-12 

"Behold the Wrath of God in Sovereign Judgment"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Revelation 8 

"Why We Believe & Teach a Pre-Tribulation Rapture at CFBC"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Selected Scriptures 

"Forgiveness — Don't Return Evil for Evil but Pursue their Good!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
1 Thess 5:15 

"A Primer on the 1,000 Year Millennium When Jesus Reigns on Earth!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Selected Scriptures 

"Rejoice Always! The Duty & Delight That Will Change Your Life!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
1 Thess 5:16 

"Pray Without Ceasing! — The Great Privilege of Believers!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
1 Thess 5:17 

"Examine Your Life!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Matthew 7:13-27 

"The Righteousness of God Meted Out on Earthdwellers!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Revelation 9 

"Only Two Paths. Only Two Destinies. Only Two Options. Which Are You On?"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Psalm 1 

"Don't Run from God's Word!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Jonah 1 

"How You Should Live in Light of the Son of God's Kingship"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Psalm 2 

"A Problem That You Can't Fix!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Judges 2:11-15 

"Who Will Intercede For You?"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
1 Samuel 2:25 

"How You Can Submit Thankfully to God's Will!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Jonah 2 

"What Do You Do When Hostile God-Haters Pursue & Attack You?"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Psalm 3 

"The Benefits of Church Membership in a Church Plant"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Acts 2:41-47 & Selected Scriptures 

"The Greatest Mass-Revival the Earth Has Ever Seen!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Jonah 3 

"An Evening Prayer of Trust When Others Verbally Attack You!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Psalm 4 

"Church Membership, part 2 — The Vision for Discipleship"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Selected Scriptures 

"Understand the Sin of Self-Serving Anger—How to Kill It!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Jonah 4 

"Retain a Proper Perspective When Verbal Attacks Assault You!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Psalm 5 

"God Will Judge All The Unrepentant Sexually Immoral!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
2 Samuel 11 

"You Must Believe in the Biblical Jesus to be Saved from Hell!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
1 John 4:1-4 

"An Interlude of Mercy! Believe in Jesus!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Revelation 10 

"The Wrath of God Abides on All Unrighteousness of Men!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Romans 1:18-32 

"The Abundant Wickedness of All People is Terrible!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Job 22:5 

"In Everything Give Thanks—The Badge of a Christian!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
1 Thess 5:18 

"See the God of Worship! Worship the God Worthy of Worship!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Revelation 4 

"Praying When the Wicked Pursue You!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Psalm 7 

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Showing records 391 through 420.