sermons & podcasts
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Showing records 1981 through 2010.
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Showing records 1981 through 2010.
Click on one of the following files to view the available options:
"When the Unexpected Invades, Respond Like Jehoshaphat!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
2 Chronicles 20

"The Majesty of God!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Job 13:11

"Consider Your Latter End!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Deuteronomy 32:29

"A Rich & Poor Man: Heaven & Hell!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Luke 16:19-31

"God's Great Gospel of Forgiveness!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Psalm 130

"God's Template for Repentance: See, Hate, Kill & Replace Your Sin!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Psalm 51

"The New Heavens and the New Earth!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Revelation 21-22

"Ways to Pray for Your Pastor"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Hebrews 13:18

"Balancing Desire to Be with Christ & the Desire to Keep Serving All Out!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Philippians 1:21-26

"The Rise & Fall of the Corrupt & Wicked King Jehoram! Be Warned!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
2 Chronicles 21

"God's Glory in Biblical Creationism! Bless God for His Works!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Psalm 104

"Jesus Carries His Cross to the Place of Execution! The Lamb Led to the Slaughter!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Luke 23:26-32

"The Majestic & Aweful Great, White Throne Judgment!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Revelation 20:11-15

"The Catastrophe of Corrupt Counselors: The Evil Reign of Ahaziah!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
2 Chronicles 22

"The Demise of Athaliah; The Courage of Jehoiada; & God's Faithfulness!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
2 Chronicles 23

"The Meaning of Christian Baptism"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Acts 18:1-11

"Our God Is Amazingly Great!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Psalm 145

"Jesus Didn't Die Needlessly!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Galatians 2:21

"How to Pray in a Church Prayer Meeting"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Selected Scriptures

"How to Recognize Godly Leadership in the Church"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
1 Thessalonians 2:1-12

"What Are the Marks/Effects of Revival?"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Acts 2:42-47

"Practical Ways to Prepare for Church"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Selected Scriptures

"Finding the Will of God? Biblical Clarity Needed!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Deuteronomy 29:29 & Romans 12:1-2

"Starting Well & Ending Badly! 3 Lessons on How to Finish Life Well!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
2 Chronicles 24

"What Are the Nonnegotiables in a Local Church?"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland

"John the Baptist's Christology"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Luke 3:16-17

"Rescuing Marriage: Cultivating a Christ-Exalting, Others-Centered Relationship of Humility!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Philippians 2:1-5

"Who Is Jesus? See How He Interacts With the Sinful Woman!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Luke 7:36-50

"The Protected Security of Every True Believer"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Jude 1:1

"The Demoniac: A Troubled Soul Changed Into a Transformed Worshiper!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Luke 8:26-39

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Showing records 1981 through 2010.
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Showing records 1981 through 2010.