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Showing records 1201 through 1230.

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Sort by: Date  Title
"Learning from God's Word How to Call Upon God in Prayer"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Psalm 119:145-152 

"A Godly Home" Intro to 9-Part Series at CFBC
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Selected Scriptures 

"The Power of the LORD GOD on Display!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
1 Samuel 17 

"Jesus Is Messiah! The Glory of the Offices of the Messiah"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Matthew 16:16 

"Jesus' Identity & Mission & His Call for You to Come & Die!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Luke 9:18-27 

"The Meaning of Marriage"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Genesis 2 

"Our Desperate Need for God-Given Revival!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Psalm 119:153-160 

Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
2 Samuel 11 

"The Husband's Duties to His Wife"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Ephesians 5:25-33 

"The Transfiguration: The Divine Glory of Christ Unveiled!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Luke 9:28-36 

"Preaching the Gospel at a Local High School"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Selected Scriptures 

"The Portrait of a the Person Who Loves God's Word!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Psalm 119:161-168 

"The Eternal Place of the Damned!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Revelation 20:11-15 

"A Wise Solomon; A Wiser Savior!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
1 Kings 10:23 

"4 Reasons Why You Should Be an Active Member of a Local Church"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
1 Corinthians 12:27 

"Jesus Heals a Demonized Boy: The Little Faith of the Disciples Exposed"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Luke 9:37-45 

"The Wife's Duties to Her Husband"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Ephesians 5:22-24 

"Remember Your Creator in the Days of Your Youth!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Ecclesiastes 12:1 

"You Must Be Born Again!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
John 3:3 

"Your Life of Praising God According to the Word!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Psalm 119:169-176 

"Divine Grace Given to the Worst of Sinners!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
2 Kings 21 

"Follow Jesus Christ!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Luke 9:23 

"But By God's Doing You're In Christ Jesus"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
1 Corinthians 1:30 

"Jesus Came to Seek and Save the Lost!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Luke 19:10 

"Homesick in a Hostile World! Trusting God While Journeying to Zion!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Psalm 120 

"Godly Communication in the Marriage!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Selected Scriptures 

"Pride: The Heart Attitude of Wanting to Be Greatest!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Luke 9:46-50 

"The Great Gospel of Salvation!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Ephesians 2:1-10 

"Your Help Is from the LORD: Your Mighty and Loving Keeper!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Psalm 121 

"Jesus Begins His Journey to Jerusalem: Lessons on Compassion and Discipleship"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Luke 9:51-62 

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Showing records 1201 through 1230.