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Showing records 2671 through 2700.

Click on one of the following files to view the available options:

Sort by: Date  Title
"Family Worship: Its Meaning & Motives"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Ephesians 6:4 

"The Birth of John the Baptist: God Is Faithful!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Luke 1:57-66 

"Regeneration: The Inevitable Results"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Titus 3:5 

"How to Pray When Your Enemies Abound!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Psalm 83 

"The Salvation that God's Servant Gives!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Isaiah 53:11 

"What Must I Do to Inherit Eternal Life? The Ultimate Question"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Mark 10:17-31 

"The Justice of God Condemns You: Who Is Your Mediator?"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Deuteronomy 32:4 

"The Gracious Working of God to Give You New Life!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Ezekiel 36:22-27 

"Behold God, the Righteous Judge, Who Judges All Corrupt Leaders!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Psalm 82 

"How Can God Be With You & In You? The Holy Spirit"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
John 14:16-17 

"Keep God's Words!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
John 14:18-24 

"Mary's Song of Praise: How You Can Praise God With Your Life"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Luke 1:46-56 

"Biblical Complementarianism: Male Headship"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Selected Scriptures 

"Jesus Is Very God of Very God!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
John 14:7-15 

"Salvation in Christ Alone!" [& a Gospel Conversation]
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
John 14:6 

"The Goodness of God & th Sinfulness of Man & the Satisfactions of God!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Psalm 81 

"The Meeting of Mary & Elizabeth: Strengthen Your Faith in God!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Luke 1:39-45 

"True, Heavenly Comfort in Jesus!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
John 14:1-6 

"Is Same-Sex Attraction Sinful? Part 5"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Romans 1:27 & 2 Peter 2:8 

"The Glory of Jesus & Christian Love for One Another!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
John 13:31-38 

"The Soon-Coming Day of Judgment!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
2 Peter 3:3-9 

"Is Same-Sex Attraction Sinful? Part 4"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Genesis 19 & Judges 19 

"Restore Us, O God! Imploring God to Revive Us!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Psalm 80 

"Is Same-Sex Attraction Sinful? Part 3"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Selected Scriptures 

"Stand Amazed at the Grace of God! The Announcement of Jesus' Birth"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Luke 1:26-38 

"Is Same-Sex Attraction Sinful? Part 2"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Selected Scriptures 

"The Ultimate Marriage!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Revelation 19:7-10 

"Betrayed by a Liar: Beware of False Conversion!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
John 13:21-30 

"A Model Prayer: Lament for the Lowest Seasons of Your Life!"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Psalm 79 

"Is Same-Sex Attraction Sinful? Part 1"
Geoffrey R. Kirkland 
Genesis 1 & Romans 1 

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Showing records 2671 through 2700.